Monday, November 18, 2013

What It All Means

I am definitely no expert when it comes to motherhood. Seeing as how I have only been a mom for two months. That's not a lot of time! But in these past two months, I have learned so much, and grown so much as a person. I've learned how to take care of another human being completely! That's a pretty big deal, at least I think so. The literal definition of a mother is a women in relation to a child or children to whom she has given birth. I don't know about you, but I think a mother means soooo much more than that!

To me, a mother means lots of things.
Being a mother means cold food. By the time you've fed the baby, burped the baby, changed the baby, soothed the baby...etc. your food has gone cold. A small sacrifice! But hey, I'm lucky I even get to eat! I have lots of awesome people who are willing to hold my little man so that I can. If I didn't have them, I probably wouldn't even have cold food. Haha

Being a mother means dirty clothes. Between all the spit up, drool, pee, poop and any other bodily function you can think of...your clothes are bound to be dirty. Who has time for laundry anyway? Another small sacrifice. Besides, I feel like its pretty cool! The mark of motherhood, blotches of spit up. Why accessorize when I have that, right?

Being a mother means baby talk and weird faces. When you interact with a baby, there is no way you are talking to it normal. I hear ALL KINDS of baby talk, and I think its hilarious. But I am literally doing it 24/7. I find myself doing lots of weird things when it comes to interacting with my baby! And I'm not alone. Just last night I caught Jacob leaning over the bassinet singing a song off of the Lizzie Mcguire movie to Sade. If that's not awesome, I don't know what is.

Being a mother means sleepless nights. Obviously we sleep, but its broken sleep. Waking up every few hours was really, REALLY hard for the both of us at first. Neither Jacob or myself are very pleasant when we are tired. But we have slowly gotten into the groove of it all and I gotta say, we're doing a pretty good job. Seeing as how we both love sleep. We just love Sade more:)

Being a mother means sacrifice. From the very beginning a woman sacrifices her entire body for her baby. Bringing a baby into the world means that you give up the life you knew, and make the changes necessary for your child! Some are easier than others, but all are worth it. Yeah you're going to eat cold (if any) food, you're going to take fast (if any) showers, you're going to get small spurts of sleep. You'll have dirty clothes, dishes and bedrooms. But you're going to have a happy, healthy baby. Shouldn't that be the only thing that matters? Sacrifice is worth it.

Being a mother means plenty of different things. It means taking on all kinds of different roles in order to give the best life possible to your kids. Sacrificing your own comforts and wants for the needs of your children. I think its awesome! I will admit, I was pretty selfish before I had Sade. Now, I put everything he needs before anything I need. Even if it means crying tears from having to pee soooo bad! He's gotta eat so I gotta wait. Simple as that. 

Being a mother is love. More love than I could have ever thought I had in me. I've grown to love my husband more, as we experience this together. I love Sade with every fiber of my being, and knowing he loves me too makes my heart pretty much explode. With every smile and coo, my heart melts! And honestly what's better than that? I'll answer that for you, NOTHING.

Motherhood is great. I haven't been a mom long, but I'm a mom for eternity now. I have more sacrifices to make, more lessons to learn, more diapers to change, more bottles to make. I'm taking it one precious step at a time, trying to savor each moment I have with my son. It's the hardest thing I've ever done, but one thing I know for sure is that it's the best thing that could have ever happened to me.

To motherhood!

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